Sunday, May 4, 2008

Still searching...

This has been the longest 2 1/2 weeks!

We are still without a job, but Todd has been trying to get something quick. A few good things have happened, recently. Todd's job did pay him for the full week he worked when he was laid off. We never thought we would see that weeks pay. It was very nice to get that deposit in our account! We are still keeping hopeful and trying to be patient, but it so hard. Todd and I are getting anxious for this to be the job search end. I have to keep reminding myself that it has only been a little over 2 weeks and God is completely taking care of all our needs, like he promises.

More good news, Todd has a 2nd, more in depth interview with a company this Friday around 12:30. His first interview with them was a telephone interview, and this one will be in person. Please keep him on your hearts & minds during that time. It would be great if he got that job because they are in Lavergne! NO more Nashville commute (hopefully)!!

If you would, please continue to pray for our situation. We can see a slight glimmer of light at the end of a very long and narrow tunnel, but there is light.

God bless!


The McGregor Clan said...

Hello fellow blogger....
I had not heard about Todd and his job situation. Has the situation resolved yet? I will keep you guys in my prayers. Check out my blog when you get a sec. See ya girl!!

kacyd said...

Hey, Jennifer - Your mom had shared you guys were having a rough time...have things gotten any better? I just started a blog on here, and was looking around and found yours...Let me know how you guys are doing!