Monday, June 9, 2008

God is good!

God is Good!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!!
I can't say it enough. We are so blessed! It's been 7 weeks since Todd lost his job and God has been faithful everyday. In Matthew 6:25-34 He promises to take care of every need. "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things." Everyone says, "God will take care of you," "Don't worry," "You'll be fine." But how many of us 100%, honestly believe that. We are doubters and do not trust inGod like we need to. I certainly will admit to not trusting like I should, and not believing in His abilities. At this point in our lives, God is still working on our patience and our faith. I still catch my self saying, "Okay, God, what about this time. Can you take care of this? I know it's a big task, so I will understand if you can't." WHY can't I just accept that God is bigger than this!! God has placed us in a perfect situation to listen and grow in Him. He is in control of everything going on.

Todd has still not got a call about a job, yet, but we are still hopeful and still looking. His interviews have been great, he just wishes he didn't have to go to another one. Dressing for an interview in 95 degree weather is NOT fun!

Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us.
